Mystic Skies

When fragments of wonder Dotted the black expanse, Tiny hands, just strong enough To pull back the curtains of your magnificent stage. And an urge but for it’s majesty. And a dream, but for it’s proximity. A reality, in time. The wish to roll among the waves of darkness, Granted in sincerity. Granted all at […]

Fortune-Teller’s Prayer

Sweet raindrop settled in my eye, Don’t take from me the need to cry. Don’t shake from me the the fickle wind That blows about me from within. Fresh flower settled in my path, Don’t steal from me the urge to pass, But offer me the memory To call upon in misery.

Hannah’s Red Flag

Red was the sky on the day that I Laid eyes upon you… And yours, like mine Were glowing in a brilliant glare To which no earthly thing compares. To see you not before my path, But have you conjured from our past Delivering me a painful truth; I would not be, if not for […]


 Lacking be the life I’m living If not for every moment giving You the things that you desire. Cry out to the Djinni, the smokeless fire. And I will travel through the ages To be with you, and every day, I’ll love you truly, I’ll love you simply, Our tale upon the lips of gypsies […]

Stumbling Root

The thick, twisted root of the Stumbling Tree. Drops your very ego down to its knees. It’s knotted, so solid, too tough to be cut. We’ve all fallen in Autumn, and gotten back up To see Spring’s beauty, both fierce and divine The Stumbling Root serves to keep us in line. Memory serves. When our […]


Should I dare to come and wake you from your slipping, sleeping trance, And so expose my naked soul to you and the wicked tides of chance? Maybe I’ll blow smoke into your mirrors, leave you grasping at the last glance Of me, draped in the fragments of your shattered past. I’d dreamed so long […]